The "Premiere of Excellence" program was carried out between 01.06 - 05.09.2022 (preparation, implementation, evaluation) and consisted of supporting 5 talented young people of the Mihai Eminescu College from the municipality of Satu Mare, in the field of personal development - other than high school studies: increasing self-confidence, developing critical thinking, developing skills to deal with as many life situations as possible.
In this sense, the AGES Association offered the 5 young people, for their excellent educational results, the opportunity to participate in one of the camps organized by the Târgu Mureș Adventure Life Association within their program called "Passport for Success".
Description of the "Passport for Success" program (Extract Passport for Success is a program for developing emotional intelligence skills in teenagers, parents and teachers. The program takes place in the form of public conferences, seminars, workshops, camps, trainings for teachers and parents.
The researches of the last decades have shown that the information and skills obtained in school are not enough for a teenager to be successful in life.
80% of success, both in personal and professional life, is determined by EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. More specifically: you can have the highest grades, the most distinguished awards, if you don't know how to adapt to the situation and collaborate with those around you, you won't be able to value the potential you have.
What happens in the activities? We try to give them concrete information about how to develop their confidence, not to give up when things are difficult, to control their emotions, to choose their friends well, to know how to manage their money, to speak in public, not to be fear of mistakes, to take responsibility for mistakes, to face people's rejection without suffering and without devaluing oneself, to know how to find one's way in life, how to learn and not be afraid of teachers, how to be happy
The 5 young people participated in the following camps:
"Self-confidence" camp, July 3 - 8;
"Self-confidence" camp, July 17-22;
"Bootcamp Life Start", period 11 - 15 July;
"Bootcamp Life Start" camp, July 11-15;
"Bootcamp Life Start" camp, July 11-15;