The Laboro platform, created by the AGES Association, has the role of supporting disadvantaged people (and not only) in identifying a suitable job, in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg (Hungary).
"Helping the Employment of Youth in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties" - project implemented by the AGES Association, in partnership with the "Otlet a Videkert Egyesület" Association (Hungary); 2019 - 2022.
"The Premiere of Excellence is a project implemented by the AGES Association within the program "AGES for Satu Mare - 2022"; 2022
"Climbing for all" is a project implemented by the AGES Association as part of the "AGES for Satu Mare - 2022" program; 2022 - 2023
In November 2022, the AGES Association launched a research study, through an online questionnaire, which aimed to identify the difficulties encountered by high school students in Satu Mare County, in the career guidance process.
Rotary supports local initiatives for Satu Mare - the 3rd edition
"Rotary Supports Local Initiatives in Satu Mare" - Second Edition Funding Program Implemented by the Rotary Club of Satu Mare in cooperation with the AGES Association
"Rotary Supports Local Initiatives in Satu Mare" - Funding Program implemented by the Rotary Club of Satu Mare in cooperation with the AGES Association.
“Strategic Relations for Wise Community Action” - implemented by the Rotary Club of Satu Mare, the AGES Association, the Rotary Club of Roznava (Slovakia) and the Association of the Civil Council of Uzhgorod (2012)
The Global Footprint Network (GFN), an international organization, calculates the date of Earth Depletion Day year by year - comparing the Earth's annual available biocapacity with humanity's ecological footprint, marking the date on which we exhaust accessible ecological resources in that year.